Sunburned Skin...Now What?

After a day in the sun, lathering up in SPF may be the last thing on your mind, but it's a crucial skin step worth remembering. It happens to the best of us, but now you need to deal with burning, red and painful skin which may take days to fade. It's important to treat skin quickly after a sunburn in order to prevent peeling, dark spots, and dry or wrinkled skin.
The traditional sunburn at-home treatment is "apply a cool wet rag", "moisturize" and "take an aspirin" or ibuprofen to reduce any swelling and discomfort. However, wet rags absorb the skin's heat and warm up quickly, leading to a very short- lasting treatment. In addition, resorting to applying ice directly on sunburnt skin does more harm than good as it can cause a cold burn on top of your sunburn.
An All in One Way to Treat a Sunburn, Safely
The benefits are endless. It will reduce redness, soothe your hot skin, replenish the skin with hydration, and ease the pain and swelling. Find relief from sunburns with Velež.
So, what sunscreen should you apply next time you go out in the sun?
Michele Farber, MD, FAAD , a board-certified dermatologist practicing at Schweiger Dermatology Group recommends: "SPF 30 or above is a must. Higher does block out slightly higher percentages of UV rays, so it is helpful to use SPF greater than 30".